Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fabulous Fourth!

Here is a fact about me you may not know...the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays! It is just a step below Christmas in my book! I love the fireworks, the delicious food, being with family and celebrating the wonderful history of our great nation! As a history lover there is no better holiday! This Fourth of July was no exception, because what better place to celebrate then in Philadelphia!

I headed north to meet my perfect tour-guides, my incredible cousin Beth and her husband Dan and their adorable new baby, Gavin, who live in Baltimore, Maryland!

It was a good eight hours from where I live in South Carolina and as I inched my way up the coastline I passed by so many historical sights, my soul was dying, so it was good thing I was very excited to see them, else wise I would have gotten very distracted. :D

After meeting adorable Gavin, we headed north to Philadelphia, with one very important stop on the way, to see where Dan proposed to Beth! Clearly, he did a good job!

Then it was on to Philadelphia! The beautiful city hall with William Penn on top of it.

The famous Independence Hall.

We barely got in line in time, but we were saved by the bell!:D

For such a historical artifact, I was surprised at how modern the building was.

Additionally, I did not realize before coming that the original President's House is actually on the lawn of Independence Hall. It makes sense since Philadelphia was the nation's capitol before Washington D.C., I just didn't realize it was so close.

This an outline of the house.

Underneath is some of the original wall and foundation.

Of course, no visit to Philadelphia is complete without a delicious oooey-gooey cheesesteak!

Philadelphia is a beautiful old city with gorgeous architecture! We were able to walk through a lot of the city, which was a lot of fun! We then headed to the Philadelphia Art Museum, where A LOT of people were celebrating. I am told there was a concert and even fireworks, but honestly I have no idea...Beth and I were too busy talking. :D

That was just the beginning of our fun! Because tomorrow is Gettysburg!

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