Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Last of Wyoming

So I won’t even try to make excuses for not writing this last month, every excuse in the book would just sound lame. I am very sorry though and I do sincerely apologize. Here is a recap our last weeks in Wyoming.
Andy Taylor spoke on the fatherheart of God. He is a sweet pastor from Oklahoma. He is on the forefront of being change to the 21st century Church. His approach on the subject was from a different angle then I had ever heard. Godly ideas just presented in a very different way. His whole message could be summed up with the saying: “God is what He is, Father is who He is.” He spoke a lot on the orphan mentality and a generation who is growing up without any concept of who or what a Father is and how this dysfunction skews our understanding of God.
Scott MaCleod came and spoke the week after. Scott has been in the Christian Music industry for decades. He had so many amazing stories to tell about his switch from the industry to the pastoral. He shared on Worship as the occupation of the heart. He leads a frontier movement of worship and arts in downtown Nashville. He really got us thinking about Worship and what that means in the reflection of our lives.
Well it feel like we just got settled in a adapted to life out here, but we only have one week left. Jim Anderson.
Jim Anderson is a speaker/father from Washington who spoke on Relationships. He travels around the world speaking on a women’s heart…which kinda sounds weird..until you learn he is a father of six daughters and has a enormous amount of compassion and wisdom granted from God. He challenged us to exam our hearts about our attitude towards men, relationship, motherhood, prolife and get to what the Bible has to say rather then what might have been adapted from the culture or world influences. It was an emotional week.
As this was our last week, it flew by so fast! We were busy in class, chasing cows, packing and cleaning. On Sunday the 16th of May we said goodbye to our new friends in Wyoming and Laura, Danielle and I headed to the Lakeside, Montana base to meet with the rest of the team that we will be going to Thailand with. It was sad to leave Wyoming, but we know that God’s hand is in this plan and though we are worried about how large the base it 300+ people (compared to our base of 10 people)…we know we are headed to culture shock. …if you want the last pictures from Wyoming check out my facebook page.

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